A Workshop on "Soft Skills"


It was organized by the Department of English and Postgraduate Center in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Mr. Parvez Shaikh, Senior Manager, Dentsu Services, Pune, was invited as Resource Person who elaborated in detail what soft skills are, how they differ from hard skills, which soft skills have become indispensable personality traits in the employment world and how students from Arts stream are required in large number to get things done in the IT sectors and MNCs, guaranteeing handsome salaries and work satisfaction.

"With positive, professional and problem-solving attitude only, one can succeed in one's career with dignity", was the central argument that won applause from, and approval of, the participants. He explained lucidly the difference between soft skills and hard skills and highlighted the significance of positive and problem-solving skills, besides effective and persuasive communication skills. He clarified to the audience the differences between Orator and Communicator and Manager and Leader

One hundred three students attended the programme. In his Presidential Address, Dr. Aftab Anwar Shaikh, Principal, Poona College, appealed all the students to grab opportunities in the IT sectors and thereby reminded them of the power and potential they hold.

Ms. Zeenat Merchant, Head, Department of English and Postgraduate Center, delivered Welcome Address. Mr. Zameer Salim Sayyed and Mr. Asif Khan were coordinators and, were assisted by Dr. Ashwini Purude. Miss. Juveriya Shaikh recited verses from the Holy Quran before the commencement of the workshop. Mr. Musaddiq and Miss. Claire compered the session.

Mr. Parvez Shaikh, Resource Person of the workshop, being felicitated by Ms. Zeenat Merchant, Head, Department of English and Postgraduate Center

Mr. Parvez Shaikh, Resource Person, interacting with the participants of the workshop

Prof. (Dr.) Aftab Anwar Shaikh, Principal, Poona College, delivering Presidential Address 

 Participants of the workshop


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