International Webinar on ‘Teamwork and Collaboration’


The Department of English and Post-graduate centre had organized an International Webinar on ‘Teamwork and Collaboration’ on 11th September, 2021 at 12:00 pm. The resource person for this webinar was a prominent alumni of the Department and an International Soft Skills Trainer, Ms. Batul Lamba.108 participants attended the webinar.

Ms. Noori Lamba began the webinar by elaborating  on the meaning of teamwork. She explained the need and techniques of building a good team. She had an interactive session by playing games and taking feedback from time to time during her presentation. She also informed the delegates the pros and cons of having building a good team. The presentation ended with a question- answer session and feedback.

Resource person Ms Batul Lamba presenting her PPT (11.09.2021)

                        Ms Batul Lamba explaining the techniques of Teamwork and Collaboration (11/09/2021)
